*Subject to Change*
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN1001s1
- Professor
- Lindemann
- Course Title
- The Science of Psychology
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN1001s2
- Professor
- DeMoya
- Course Title
- The Science of Psychology
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN1001s3
- Professor
- Isacoff
- Course Title
- The Science of Psychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN1001s1
- Professor
- Lindemann
- Course Title
- The Science of Psychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN1001s2
- Professor
- Thorp
- Course Title
- The Science of Psychology
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN1420
- Professor
- Thorp
- Course Title
- Research Methods: Human Behavior
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN1450
- Professor
- Ochsner
- Course Title
- Research Methods: Social Cognition and Emotion
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN1610
- Professor
- Fox-Glassman
- Course Title
- Statistics for Behavioral Scientists
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN1420
- Professor
- Lindemann
- Course Title
- Research Methods: Human Behavior
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN1455
- Professor
- Bolger
- Course Title
- Research Methods: Social and Personality
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN1610
- Professor
- Baldassano
- Course Title
- Statistics for Behavioral Scientists
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN2220
- Professor
- Metcalfe
- Course Title
- Cognition: Memory and Stress
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN2280
- Professor
- Tottenham
- Course Title
- Developmental Psychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN2210
- Professor
- Isacoff
- Course Title
- Cognition: Basic Processes
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN2235
- Professor
- Fox-Glassman
- Course Title
- Thinking and Decision Making
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN2270
- Professor
- Meyer
- Course Title
- Perception and Cognition in Social Life
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN2430
- Professor
- Spagna
- Course Title
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN2435
- Professor
- Freeman
- Course Title
- Social Neuroscience
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN2460
- Professor
- Hart
- Course Title
- Drugs and Behavior
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN2430
- Professor
- Davachi
- Course Title
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN2435
- Professor
- Freeman
- Course Title
- Social Neuroscience
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN2450
- Professor
- DeMoya
- Course Title
- Behavioral Neuroscience
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN2610
- Professor
- Barahmand
- Course Title
- Introduction to Personality
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN2620
- Professor
- McCaskill
- Course Title
- Abnormal Behavior
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN2630
- Professor
- Higgins
- Course Title
- Social Psychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN2620
- Professor
- Cohen
- Course Title
- Abnormal Psychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN2636
- Professor
- Feinberg
- Course Title
- Industrial/Organizational Psychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN2645
- Professor
- Solomon
- Course Title
- Moral Psychology
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN2460
- Professor
- Hart
- Course Title
- Drugs and Behavior
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3615
- Professor
- Downey & Marlin
- Course Title
- Children at Risk
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3623s1
- Professor
- Cohen
- Course Title
- Topics in Clinical Psychology
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3623s2
- Professor
- Felsen
- Course Title
- Topics in Clinical Psychology
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3820
- Professor
- Kaufman
- Course Title
- The Science of Well-Being and Human Potential
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3830
- Professor
- Silver
- Course Title
- Psychology and the Internet
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4836
- Professor
- Jerde
- Course Title
- Machine Intelligence
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN1950
- Professor
- DeMoya
- Course Title
- Neuroscience Methods: Cells and Circuits
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN2636
- Professor
- Feinberg
- Course Title
- Industrial/Organizational Psychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN3623s1
- Professor
- Barahmand
- Course Title
- Topics in Clinical Psychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN3623s2
- Professor
- Felsen
- Course Title
- Topics in Clinical Psychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN3625
- Professor
- McCaskill
- Course Title
- Clinical Neuropsychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4612
- Professor
- Dixon
- Course Title
- Frontiers of Justice
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4836
- Professor
- Jerde
- Course Title
- Machine Intelligence
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4885
- Professor
- Downey and Rosen-Mensch
- Course Title
- Philanthropy and Just Societies
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4202
- Professor
- Amso
- Course Title
- Theories of Change in Human Development
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4241s1
- Professor
- Meyer
- Course Title
- Mentalizing: How we read people
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4241s2
- Professor
- Meyer
- Course Title
- Mentalizing: How we read people
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4244
- Professor
- Isacoff
- Course Title
- Language and Mind
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN3260
- Professor
- Miozzo
- Course Title
- Bilingualism
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4202
- Professor
- Amso
- Course Title
- Theories of Change in Human Development
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4224
- Professor
- Isacoff
- Course Title
- Consciousness and Cognitive Science
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4265
- Professor
- Woolley
- Course Title
- Auditory Perception
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4270
- Professor
- Metcalfe
- Course Title
- Cognitive Processes
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4274
- Professor
- Fox-Glassman
- Course Title
- Psychology of Procrastination
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4280
- Professor
- McCrink
- Course Title
- Core Knowledge
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4281
- Professor
- Metcalfe
- Course Title
- The Psychology of Curiosity
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3450
- Professor
- Terrace
- Course Title
- Evolution of Intelligence
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3455
- Professor
- DeMoya
- Course Title
- Neurobiology of Working Memory
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3461
- Professor
- Thorp
- Course Title
- Music & Cognitive Neuroscience
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3495
- Professor
- Duman
- Course Title
- Gene-Environment Interactions & Epigenetics
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4470
- Professor
- Miozzo
- Course Title
- Psych & Neuropsych of Language
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4482
- Professor
- Kao
- Course Title
- Neural Plasticity
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4491
- Professor
- Marlin
- Course Title
- The Parental Brain
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4498
- Professor
- Blaze
- Course Title
- Behavioral Epigenetics
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN3434
- Professor
- Duman
- Course Title
- Prenatal Programming
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU3461
- Professor
- Thorp
- Course Title
- Music and Cognitive Neuroscience
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4440
- Professor
- Hart
- Course Title
- Topics in Neurobiology and Behavior
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4465
- Professor
- Spagna
- Course Title
- Neuroscience of Imagination
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4480
- Professor
- Fifer and Firestein
- Course Title
- Psychobiology of Infant Development
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4482
- Professor
- Kao
- Course Title
- Neural Plasticity
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4486
- Professor
- Tottenham
- Course Title
- Emotional Brain Development
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4493
- Professor
- Blaze
- Course Title
- Stress and the Brain
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3615
- Professor
- Downey & Marlin
- Course Title
- Children at Risk
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3620
- Professor
- Hoch
- Course Title
- Seminar in Developmental Psychopathology
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3623s1
- Professor
- Cohen
- Course Title
- Topics in Clinical Psychology
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3623s2
- Professor
- Felsen
- Course Title
- Topics in Clinical Psychology
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3624
- Professor
- Auerbach
- Course Title
- Adolescent Mental Health
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4625
- Professor
- Solomon
- Course Title
- Psychology of Religion
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4645
- Professor
- Komissarouk
- Course Title
- Culture, Motivation, Prosocial Behavior
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4682
- Professor
- Solomon
- Course Title
- FAQs About Life
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN3620
- Professor
- Hoch
- Course Title
- Seminar in Developmental Psychopathology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN3623s1
- Professor
- Barahmand
- Course Title
- Topics in Clinical Psychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN3623s2
- Professor
- Felsen
- Course Title
- Topics in Clinical Psychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- UN3625
- Professor
- McCaskill
- Course Title
- Clinical Neuropsychology Seminar
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4612
- Professor
- Dixon
- Course Title
- Frontiers of Justice
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4615
- Professor
- Purdie-Greenaway
- Course Title
- Psychology of Culture and Diversity
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4630
- Professor
- Komissarouk
- Course Title
- Advanced Seminar Current Personality Theory
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4685
- Professor
- Ochsner
- Course Title
- The science of me, you and us: understanding emotion, the self and social connections
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3820
- Professor
- Kaufman
- Course Title
- The Science of Well-Being and Human Potential
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- UN3830
- Professor
- Silver
- Course Title
- Psychology and the Internet
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GU4836
- Professor
- Jerde
- Course Title
- Machine Intelligence
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4836
- Professor
- Jerde
- Course Title
- Machine Intelligence
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GU4885
- Professor
- Downey and Rosen-Metsch
- Course Title
- Philanthropy & Just Societies
Graduate Courses
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GR6050
- Professor
- Bolger
- Course Title
- Psychophysiology Methods and Analysis Laboratory
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GR6060
- Professor
- Kriegeskorte
- Course Title
- Human Brain Imaging for Cognitive Neuroscience
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GR6200
- Professor
- Fox-Glassman
- Course Title
- Practicum in the Teaching of Psychology
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GR6500
- Professor
- Fox-Glassman
- Course Title
- Supervised Teaching Assistance
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GR6600
- Professor
- Bolger
- Course Title
- Supervised Teaching Assistance
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GR9998
- Professor
- Bolger
- Course Title
- Research Seminar in Psychology
- Term
- Fall
- Course Number
- GR9999
- Professor
- Bolger
- Course Title
- Departmental Colloquium
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GR6100
- Professor
- Woolley
- Course Title
- Communicating Science
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GR6500
- Professor
- Fox-Glassman
- Course Title
- Supervised Teaching Assistance
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GR6600
- Professor
- Bolger
- Course Title
- Supervised Teaching Assistance
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GR9998
- Professor
- Bolger
- Course Title
- Research Seminar in Psychology
- Term
- Spring
- Course Number
- GR9999
- Professor
- Bolger
- Course Title
- Departmental Colloquium