Program Advisors
To best facilitate communication with your advisors, we ask that you contact advisors based on the first letter of your last name. It is often helpful to bring a completed Psychology Major or Concentration checklist to every meeting with your advisor.
Choose an advisor based on your last name.
To best facilitate communication with your advisors, we ask that you contact advisors based on the first letter of your last name. It is often helpful to bring a completed Neuroscience and Behavior checklist to every meeting with your advisor.
The Neuroscience & Behavior major is a bit unusual in that it is shared between two departments: Psychology and Biological Sciences. For questions related to the Psychology side of the Neuroscience & Behavior major, please contact:
Choose an advisor based on your last name and/or by task.
- A-H Prof. Alfredo Spagna; Transfer Credit questions and STAR advising
- I-Q Prof. Sarah DeMoya; UG Research interaction with Zuckerman Institute, Mount Sinai, and special cases of UN3950 advising
- R-Z Prof. Christopher Baldassano; Research advising
For questions regarding the Biology side of the Neuroscience & Behavior major, please reach out to your advisor in Biological Sciences, listed here.
Other Advising
For any questions or concerns related to courses, teaching, and teaching assistants in the department, you can reach out to Prof. Lindemann or Prof. Fox-Glassman.
- Students who are interested in pursuing advanced coursework and possible careers in clinical psychology should contact our pre-clinical advisor, Prof. E'mett McCaskill. A practicing psychologist and faculty member, Prof. McCaskill hosts several events for students interested in clinical psychology, e.g., on how to apply to PhD or PsyD programs, career opportunities in clinical psychology, and how to get involved in research. Please join our preclinical advising email list to find out more.
Peer Advisors are students who are majoring in Psychology or in Neuroscience and Behavior and who have volunteered their time and energy to the creation and implementation of a Psychology Peer Advising Network. The charge for Peer Advisors is to provide a resource of accurate information for students while also devising new and more effective ways to facilitate contact between majors and faculty advisors.
Peer Advisors are well informed of the department's requirements and policies, they are comfortable working with both faculty and students, and they are interested in overseeing new programs and events to better inform majors of opportunities within the Department of Psychology.
- Psychology: Una Aleksic, Nina Quayle, Natalia Scheinfeld
- Neuroscience and Behavior: Tumi Anthony-Sawyerr, Rachel Wohlstadter
If you are interested in applying to be a Peer Advisor, please click here for more information and an application form.
The Undergraduate Curriculum Assistant (UCA) is available if you need any assistance with the administrative aspects of your degree. The UCA can address questions concerning transfer credits, science requirement fulfillment, major/concentration requirements, and other administrative matters.