The courses required for the certificate program are very similar to those required for all Psychology majors. They are designed to provide you with a relatively broad undergraduate-level education in Psychology. Most students complete all coursework within 1-2 years, though some students opt to complete the program over a longer period of time. A typical student entering in the Fall, will complete most if not all of their coursework by Fall of the following year. Students can then apply to graduate school programs beginning in the subsequent Fall. Students preparing for Masters level programs are often able to apply to graduate schools in the winter of the year they begin the program to begin the following Fall. Many students follow longer time schedules.
As you look at our course offerings, be aware that many courses have pre-requisites and not all courses are offered every year. Careful planning can ensure that you are able to take all the courses that you need and want before entering graduate school.
Course schedules are tailored to the needs of the student with the goal of developing the schedule that best meets your interests and needs for applying to graduate school. Students with specific interests will find advisement that will enable them to meet their curricular goals. You can find out more about the requirements for the certificate here.