Writing/Grant Resources
*** Support for grad students
GSAS Writing Studio: Students can access one-on-one writing consultations. They offer 45-minute sessions to PhD students in the third year and above. They are always more than happy to work with students on grantwriting -- even in the very early stages of researching grant requirements or beginning to brainstorm and outline. Students in the third year or above can sign up for a Studio writing consultation here. Students in the first two years of a PhD program can receive very similar support at the Writing Center in Philosophy Hall.
*** Support for All
Funding and Grantsmanship for Research and Career Development Activities
(A course for Columbia University students, postdocs, clinical fellows, new investigators, faculty, and administrators)
This link also resources for finding funding.
CUIMC Office for Research
in particular
NIH Grant Writing Boot Camp: Building a Strong Foundation for Funding Success
SPA- Proposal Preparation
Office of Research Initiatives and Development