Guide to Course Numbers
Course numbers reflect the structure of the psychology curriculum.
The 1000 level contains introductions to psychology, introductory laboratory courses, and statistics. UN1001 (The Science of Psychology) and UN1010 (Mind, Brain, and Behavior) are introductory courses with no prerequisite. Either one can serve as the prerequisite for most of our 2000-level courses. However, most students will find it advantageous to take PSYC UN1001 first.
The 1400s contain the research methods laboratory courses, and the 1600s contain statistics courses; these two course types are designed to prepare students for the types of research found in many psychology and neuroscience labs.
The 2000 level contains lecture courses that are introductions to areas within psychology.
Most require PSYC UN1001 or UN1010 as a prerequisite.
The 3000 level contains more advanced and specialized undergraduate courses; most are given in seminar format and require instructor permission.
The 3900s are the courses providing research opportunities for undergraduates. Instructor permission required.
The 4000 level contains advanced seminars suitable both for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. Instructor permission required.
Subcategories within the 2000, 3000, and 4000 levels correspond to the three groups in our Distribution Requirement for undergraduate Psychology majors:
- Perception and Cognition (2200s, 3200s, and 4200s)
- Psychobiology and Neuroscience (2400s, 3400s, and 4400s)
- Social, Personality, and Abnormal (2600s, 3600s, and 4600s)
- Integrative/Applied (2800s, 3800s, 4800s)
- Advanced Statistics and Methods (2900s, 3900s, 4900s)
Note that Barnard psychology courses do not follow the same numbering scheme.