Approved Statistics Courses


Students are required to take at least one of the two statistics courses offered in the Psychology Department and taught by Niall Bolger, GR6006 and GR6007; taking both of these as a sequence is recommended. In the event that these courses are not offered, students may take one of the other statistics courses that have been approved to fulfill the quantitative requirement of the graduate program, as listed below. If you find a graduate level statistics course that is not listed below that you are interested in using for this requirement, check with Niall Bolger to see if it should be added to this list.


At Columbia:

  • *PSYC GR6006 Introduction to Statistical Modeling in Psychology
  • *PSYC GR6007 Analysis of Change
  • PSYC GR6050 Psychophysiology Methods and Analysis Laboratory (Fulfills the quantitative requirement of the MPhil, but not the MA.)
  • STAT 2024 (Applied Linear Regression Analysis)
  • QMSS 4016 (Regression Analysis of Temporal Processes)
  • QMSS 5015 (Data Analysis for The Social Sciences)
  • QMSS 4018 (Advanced Analytic Techniques)
  • QMSS 4059 (Introduction to Missing Data)
  • QMSS 4065 (Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences)
  • QMSS 4062 (Social Network Analysis)
  • POLS 4768 (Formerly POLS 4368: Experimental Research, Design, Analysis, and Interpretation)

*Students are encouraged to take both GR6006 and GR6007, but only one of these two courses is required.


At Teachers College:

  • HUDM 4122 (Probability and Statistical Inference)
  • HUDM 5122 (Applied Regression Analysis)
  • HUDM 5126 (Linear Models & Regression)
  • HUDM 5123 (Linear Models & Experimental Design)
  • HUDM 6122 (Multivariate Analysis I)
  • HUDM 6030 (Multilevel Longitudinal Data Analysis)