Michelle VanTieghem

Michelle VanTieghem

Research Interests

Current Research

Michelle is a recent graduate in the Psychology PhD program at Columbia. She graduated from Dartmouth College in 2012 with a B.A. in Neuroscience. Before joining the lab at Columbia, she was a research assistant at the NIMH, where she studied the neurobiology of atypical emotion processing in adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders. Her graduate research examines how the early environment shapes neurobiological development and influences socioemotional functioning. Currently, she is investigating the neurobiological, behavioral and social factors that predict risk versus resilience for psychopathology following early adverse caregiving.

Selected Publications

Positive valence bias and parent–child relationship security moderate the association between early institutional caregiving and internalizing symptoms

Michelle R. Vantieghem
Laurel Gabard-Durnam
Bonnie Goff
Jessica Flannery
Kathryn L. Humphreys
Eva H. Telzer
Christina Caldera
Jennifer Y. Louie
Mor Shapiro
Niall Bolger
Nim Tottenham

Neurobiological programming of early life stress: Functional development of amygdala-prefrontal circuitry and vulnerability for stress-related psychopathology

Michelle R. VanTieghem
Nim Tottenham