Developmental Affective Neuroscience Affiliated Faculty photo of Nim Tottenham Core Faculty Nim Tottenham Professor of Psychology, Department Chair Research Interests Developmental Affective Neuroscience Emotion Development Affiliated Graduate Students Paul A. Bloom PhD Student Research Interests Developmental Affective Neuroscience Learning & Memory Cognitive Neuroscience Andrea Fields PhD Student Research Interests Development Developmental Affective Neuroscience Emotion Chelsea Harmon PhD Student Research Interests Developmental Affective Neuroscience Emotion Michelle VanTieghem PhD Student Research Interests Developmental Affective Neuroscience Emotion
photo of Nim Tottenham Core Faculty Nim Tottenham Professor of Psychology, Department Chair Research Interests Developmental Affective Neuroscience Emotion Development
Paul A. Bloom PhD Student Research Interests Developmental Affective Neuroscience Learning & Memory Cognitive Neuroscience
Andrea Fields PhD Student Research Interests Development Developmental Affective Neuroscience Emotion